We can all agree that nothing is perfect in life! Especially when it comes to software, and if software was perfect, third-party offerings wouldn’t be needed, meaning we would not be in business!

If you are a seasoned veteran of FollowUpBoss’s CRM, you will likely agree that you wish a few changes could be made to suit your business needs better. Or, if you are new or researching if FollowUpBoss is the best CRM for your team, you would want to know its shortcomings before diving into a new CRM.

That is why FUB Unlocked took it upon itself to review FollowUpBosses Roadmap, and while we love the CRM, we found that the average days a proposed update was on the company’s roadmap was an astonishing 821 days as of 2023. To our surprise, only two items had been added to the agenda in the last two years, in April of 2022.

It is for this reason that we created the future request page so that we can shed light on updates that need to be made to FollowUpBosses CRM and alternatively help possibly develop solutions to these issues! If you have an idea for an update, please post it!

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1 vote

[Email] Enable Grammarly.com On Emails

Without essential email functions found in ALL email platforms in the last decade, at least enable the ability to run Grammarly within the Email client of FollowUpBoss. On a positive note, Grammarly is allowed to load on the Texting side of FollowUpBoss however, not on the email client.

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[VOIP] Fix - Missed Calls Being Closed

Currently, if you press silent or deny on your iPhone, calls are being indexed within FollowUpBoss as Closed as if you answered the calls. What makes this even worse is that the caller is also being forwarded to your personal cell phone voicemail. Simply enabling pressing a button to answer the call will solve this […]

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[VOIP] Fix - Voicemail Going to Personal Phone

Currently, if you press silent or deny on your iPhone, instead of letting a call constantly ring on your personal phone, the voicemail will be picked up by your personal cell phone. This is a massive issue as it reveals your private cell phone number and voicemail. In addition, the voicemail is not indexed on […]

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[Email] Enable HTML Emails

Enable the ability to Receive and Send HTML Emails within FollowUpBoss. There is nothing worse than receiving FollowUpBosses monthly HTML email, only receiving a bunch of random characters, %234#, that were supposed to represent an emoji or grey text on a grey background.

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[Leads] Enable Group Level Lead Distribution

In FollowUpBoss Version 1, leads came in at the Group Level, allowing you to create and receive leads on a @FollowUpBoss.me email address. This is essential if you're running an office, as you can designate all of the Dallas Office leads to the Dallas Group created in FollowUpBoss. Alternatively, with FollowUpBoss v2, they added rules […]

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[Email] Enable SendGrid DKIM Settings

FollowUpBoss utilizes SendGrid servers to send batch emails from the platform; however, nowhere within its KB does it mention that ALL emails will be quarantined if the receiving party has their email server correctly set up. The ability to automatically add in these records and verify that the company's domain name is validated should be […]

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[Admin] Ability to Control User Rights Across Platform

Currently, creating user groups with specific user rights or roles across the complete FollowUpBoss solution is impossible. You can only add users to team shares for Smart Lists. However, you can't do this with Emails or Text Message templates. For example, if you want to share an email or text template, you must share it […]

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